Saturday, June 30, 2007

June 21st: Evanston, IL to DeKalb, IL

Our epic journey started in a magnificent fashion. Our 77 mile day started off by actually sleeping somewhat in today (6:30! Woot woot!!) and had a delicious breakfast from the Lutheran church. Next stop: DeKalb, Illinois.

Our progress into the Midwest continues. The scenery is more of the same. Fields of corn sprawl to the horizon, occasionally divided by a patch of trees or a train in the distance. We had a nice lunch at about mile 40. I’ve come to be a big fan of Sam’s sandwich. Ranch, cheese (anything works), peanut butter and jelly all in one sandwich. Though it does not sound particularly appealing, it is filling and complete. I think Sam and I are the only fans—don’t worry, converts will come. Most of us stopped at a Dairy Queen where we enjoyed some ice cream in the hot weather.

Finally we made it to the North Central Cyclery bike shop where we received free tune-ups and fittings. These generous people spent all afternoon fitting most of the riders and giving everyone much needed tune-ups. And probably the best gift of the day was the AMAZING dinner prepared for us by the Church.

Today, we've frolicked in public fountains, gotten ogled by locals who've never before seen bike shorts, and feasted by enthusiastic Churchgoers. And now, mellowed into retirement with exhaustion exacerbated by food coma, we're all heading to bed.

-David Flynn

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